Wednesday, June 29, 2011

portland visit

thank you to my sister in law Jessica Wadsworth for this great family photo, we have so few!! i love it!

these next ones make me want to move to the country, you can see for miles and miles...such pretty sunsets!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

spread the word:: mini's are here!!

please contact me for avaiable time slots.

wedding of leah & levi :: just a tiny teaser!

major family session:: summer 2011

this is one of my favorite families to photograph, i have watched their family grow over the last couple years and so appreciate them as friends as well as clients!

here are some of my favorites from my very first session with the major family..

joys of my life:: the Young kids

since this is a NEW blog for kari young photography, i thought i would share some of my favorite photos of my own beautiful babies!

this is our newest member Deacon Jax, he is almost six months old, he is our happy little mover and very much a mama's boy. we are excited to see his personality develop in the coming months and years!

this is our middle child Tatum Ellie, she is our crazy sweet little beautiful tomboy princess. she brings much joy and hilarious laughter to our lives!

this is our oldest daughter Kylie Paige, she is our beautiful, smart, kind, responsibly cautious one. she is so loving to her family and we cherish her sweetness so much!

Shakespeare Family

it is such an honor to get to see this family grow! katie and chewy were so amazing to let me shoot their wedding back in 2008, it was my very first. and now i had the great pleasure of photographing their sweet new bundle of joy, hannah. thank you shakespeare family!

 this is the katie & chewy on their wedding day in august 2008::

Schultz Family session

Kristina Franklin:: maternity teaser